On quality mentor/mentee relationships in science

Is there anything new that another blog could add to this more or less dead horse? Maybe, and if not, at least you can figure that out on your own after reading my little paragraphs. Mentoring and being mentored in science is as important as it is in business. Most scientists are actually small entrepreneurs in a creative setting, acquiring income via selling ideas and generating impact via selling information. A high quality mentor/mentee relationship will help the team to survive, succeed and thus thrive. Here are 3 points to consider for achieving a successful mentor/mentee relationship: It is a mutual relationship that will let both mentor and mentee shine . It is based on trust . Meetings or interactions need to be regular, but not frequent. Shine: Finding the right mentor/mentee combination is like dating. It will not always work the first time (although it sometimes does), but usually only after a while. It is also fine to have dist...