Things Nobody Told Me about Being a PI - Part 2

“As trainees, we’re largely responsible for planning and managing our own projects. As a faculty it’s a big leap to manage multiple projects driven by individuals who are not you. Few of us get any real project management training as students/postdocs, or as PIs for that matter. I and many of my colleagues, have had to quickly learn that effective project management in a lab setting is more than saying “do more and go faster” to your lab staff. It involves effective planning of a project from beginning to end, establishing a realistic timeline and sequencing experiments and other work in an order that meets your deadline and lets you make decisions about whether and how to proceed in a timely fashion. The formalized project management training I’ve had since starting my faculty position has really changed the way my lab does science, and for the better. I wish I’d had that training earlier.”
Another thing to be learned is to identify trainees that are compatible with your team. Sometimes there are trainees who want to join your lab that might not necessarily fit in well. There might not be obvious red flags, but something you just cannot quite put your finger on that makes you feel hesitant to accept them. Trust your gut instincts! This was something brought up by Dr. Shannon McKinney-Freeman (Department of Hematology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital);
“Learning how to say no to students/postdocs that want to join your lab, and learning how to politely explain that it might be in mutual interests for them to find a more appropriate lab.”
I would echo these sentiments. It can be very tough to say “no” to a student/post-doc wanting to join your lab (especially at the start when you are desperate for more hands in the lab), but if you get a feeling that the person would not be a good long-term fit for the lab for whatever reason (i.e. work ethic, personality doesn’t fit with lab culture) then you will be way better off in the long run if you have the tough conversation early rather than commit to five years of mutual misery. This can lead to an unfortunate situation which was brought up by my colleague Dr. Chris Sturgeon (Hematology Division, Washington University School of Medicine);
“No one tells you that you not only have to hire people, but fire them as well.”
Another thing to bear in mind is that many of the trainees who are coming into graduate school now are not looking for careers in academic medicine – they are doing a PhD to get into industry, biotech, teaching, consulting, or any other number of so-called non-traditional PhD career paths. Not only have I come to understand this, but now, I actually directly ask all potential students what their career goals are. I have no bias against trainees who don’t want to be a PI, and I actually prefer if they can be honest with me from the start. That way we can tailor an individual development plan to match their career goals. For example, if a trainee wants to be an educator, we will make sure they get extra experience as a TA or a teaching certificate. Maybe a trainee who wants to go into discovery R&D will need to take extra classes in computational biology. My approach with mentoring trainees is that it is not my job to clone myself and make academic offspring, but rather my job is to provide them with the tools they need to be successful in whatever they want to do in life, and this has to be assessed on a case by case basis.
I would like to thank Dr. Eric Pietras, Dr. Shannon McKinney-Freeman and Dr. Christopher Sturgeon for their comments contributing to this blog. Stay tuned for Part 3!
Grant A. Challen, PhD
Assistant Professor
Washington University School of Medicine
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