New Investigators: The subtle art of conferencing

Scientific meetings come as a tradeoff between time productively spent in the lab and delocalizing in order to get context, information, and inspiration. Meetings are filled with a mixture of excitement and anxiety from learning the advancement of the field, the reward of showcasing hard work, and the opportunity to exchange ideas with leaders in your specific field of research. They are an integral part of a researcher’s life. However, selection of which meetings to attend requires prior knowledge of target attendees and the organizers’ mission. Regardless of the level of training, one benefits differently from large versus smaller, more focused meetings. In that regard, trusted mentors and colleagues can advise on which meetings are worth the trip. As the annual meeting of the ISEH approaches fast, and you are probably busy packing your bags and putting the final additions to your presentations, we hope these few paragraphs will put you in “meeting mood” and help you get the most out of the ISEH annual meeting.
Large scientific meetings (ASH, ASCO, AAI) cover all the aspects of current research in “the field”. They are characterized by their large number of concurrent scientific sessions, each covering a specific topic, and some incorporate a large component of clinical practice. The plenary lectures provide an opportunity to hear from accomplished and inspiring speakers, while the plenary oral presentations highlight very impactful work. The very large poster sessions provide a broad snapshot of the most recent research in several areas. These conferences also attract a large number of industry (scientific, technological and pharmaceutical) vendors. While these meetings are often considered a must, their scale can translate into large walking distances, queues, and inability to ask questions of the oral presenters. Although these meetings provide the opportunity to have a sense of the current ‘hot topics’, you might end up missing the plot, as you can sometimes be running frenetically between different concurrent sessions. Likewise, because of the flurry of activity, it may be difficult to grab the attention of potential collaborators, mentors or reviewers – it may be best to contact the persons you really want to meet in advance.
Tips to benefit from large scientific meetings
- Advance planning! Plan in advance which sessions to attend, including booking ticketed sessions, trip and accommodation. Contact in advance people you would like to meet;
- Bring comfortable shoes, a backpack with snacks and drink bottle, cellphone charger;
Arrive one day early if possible; - Reserve some time during the day to preview the posters – coming back in the evening to talk with the presenters.
Tips to benefit from focused scientific meetings
- Research in advance whether the meeting is appropriate in scope – word of mouth from previous attendees, or browsing the program and list of speakers;
- Take advantage (sign up in advance!) for ticketed sessions that will be helpful for you and allow you to interact and network with your peers. Examples include the pre-meeting workshop, career/technology/junior PI sessions;
- Give preference to scientific meetings with career development sessions or working groups – bring your trainees to help them learn and network!
- Consider becoming a member of the society organizing the meeting in order to stay involved.
What are your tips and tricks for making the most out of scientific meetings? Leave us a comment below.
Safe travels and happy “conferencing”!
Written by Francois Mercier, Heather O’Leary and Cedric Tremblay, members of the New Investigators Committee.
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