Lab Spotlight: Sturgeon Lab

Each month, Simply Blood spotlights a lab focused on the research of basic hematology, immunology, stem cell research, cell and gene therapy, and other related aspects. Get to know these different labs around the world! This month, we are featuring the Sturgeon Lab ( ) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai located in New York City, New York, USA. Sturgeon Lab at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Twitter: @Dr_Sturgeon How long have you had your lab? I first opened my lab at Washington University, in March of 2014. We then moved to Mount Sinai in New York in August of 2020. What was your biggest transition from a post-doc to a group leader/lab PI? Or what do you miss most from your post-doc time? I remember being so overwhelmed and star-struck just seeing, for the first time, the space that was going to be my lab. So much so, that I forgot to ask key questions about how things like renovations could be handled, HVAC and elec...