Lab Spotlight: Helgason Lab

Lab Spotlight Vignir Helgason, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow Each month, Simply Blood spotlights a lab focused on the research of basic hematology, immunology, stem cell research, cell and gene therapy, and other related aspects. Get to know these different labs around the world! This month, we are featuring the Helgasson Lab at the School of Cancer Sciences at the University of Glasgow! What is the research focus of your lab? My lab focuses on basic cellular processes such as autophagy and metabolism in leukaemia. We are trying to exploit vulnerabilities in these processes and identify ways to develops better treatment options. Did you plan your career and how did it develop? No, to be honest, I never really had a master plan for my career. However, I was always good in seeking advice from people who could help me achieve my goals. During my studies at the University of Iceland, deCODE Genetics, a biopharmaceutical company based in Reykjavik, was founded, and offer...