
Showing posts from March, 2025

ISEH Highlights Women in Science

On March 8th every year, the achievements of women are celebrated worldwide in conjunction with International Women's Day. It highlights the contributions of women in all fields and promotes equal opportunities in research and academia. We reviewed recent publications in Experimental Hematology with a specific focus on contributions from female experts in the field. Here is a brief summary of some of the articles. The special edition “Making blood: Mechanisms of early hematopoietic development” is edited by two leading experts in the field; Anna Bigas and Elaine Dzierzak 1 . The area of developmental hematology has evolved enormously the last decades. The issue features outstanding reviews covering the latest research on the emerging blood system.  The review by Alina Sommer and Elisa Gomez Perdiguero focuses on extraembryonic hematopoiesis and its role in fetal development 2 . The yolk sac is the first site of blood production in the embryo. It gives rise to transient hematopoieti...

Lab Spotlight: Ganuza Lab

The Ganuza lab has recently reported a germline NOTCH3 mutation, associated with vascular dementia (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy, a.k.a. CADASIL), which is capable of driving expansion of clonal haematopoiesis. This work has made major inroads to answering questions in the role of Notch signalling regulation and how this can favour clonal haematopoiesis (a disorder still very much lacking a deep understanding of the mechanistic drivers) where only vascular dementia has been studied before. We encourage you to read this new research article and interact with the Ganuza lab in the future. Hear from what Miguel has to say below. How long have you had your lab? I started my lab in January 2020. There are currently 5 people in the lab including two PhD students and two Postdocs, from England, Greece and Spain.   What is the major research theme of your lab? Our lab is very interested in the interface between ageing, leukemia...