Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM): Lessons from Biotech
think you are the smartest person in the room, to be a successful company you never
should be.”—Mathew Sowa
Regardless of where you are working, good science is driven by active curiosity and asking good questions. The differences come in how you approach answering those questions. Continuing our ongoing discussion about biotech careers, this blog will describe some key differences between academia and biotech along with some advice on how to utilize what you learn during your academic training to succeed in biotech. A huge thanks to Michelle Lin (Research Scientist at CRISPR Therapeutics, ~1 year in biotech), Mathew Sowa (Director at C4 Therapeutics, 5+ years in biotech), and Hariharan Jayaram (Associate Director at Editas Medicine, Inc., 6+ years in biotech) for sharing their experiences and advice!
Regardless of where you are working, good science is driven by active curiosity and asking good questions. The differences come in how you approach answering those questions. Continuing our ongoing discussion about biotech careers, this blog will describe some key differences between academia and biotech along with some advice on how to utilize what you learn during your academic training to succeed in biotech. A huge thanks to Michelle Lin (Research Scientist at CRISPR Therapeutics, ~1 year in biotech), Mathew Sowa (Director at C4 Therapeutics, 5+ years in biotech), and Hariharan Jayaram (Associate Director at Editas Medicine, Inc., 6+ years in biotech) for sharing their experiences and advice!
asked about the biggest difference in day-to-day life in biotech vs. academia,
all of our biotech colleagues agreed that team meetings now make up a much
larger fraction of their time. This fact is especially true as you move up the corporate
ladder; bench time quickly shifts towards more meetings focused on both
scientific and strategic planning. Dr. Lin commented, “Some days I have as many
as 10 meetings!”
many meetings have much to do with the teamwork required for a biotech to
succeed. Dr. Jayaram commented, “The biggest differences between biotech and
academia are team work, the demands on rigor, reproducibility, and the end goal.
Here is an example to illustrate how teamwork works and why it is so important
in biotech. If you are characterizing a protein, many people might
be involved and the group could have one or even two project leaders. One
person may design the clones and express and purify the protein, another person
may design and carry out the biochemical assays, and a third person may perform
all the cell biological characterizations required to understand its behavior
in cells.” In academia, all of these aspects might be a part of a single
postdoc's project. Dr. Lin noted, “As a postdoc, you have to be a master of your
project, controlling every aspect and learning every technique required for
your project. In industry, we work as a team and thus you're never alone
if you're struggling with any aspect of your project. You utilize everyone's
expertise to help drive the project forward.” Dr. Sowa agrees stating,
“Academics, though often times collaborative, is still mainly an individual's
effort, rarely including more than one or two additional people assisting with a
project in an ongoing and meaningful way (though author lists can still be
large due to lots of smaller contributions). If a biotech company is to
succeed, all people involved have to work with each other and as importantly,
work effectively together. If the project/program fails, typically so does the
company and all of the people in it, regardless of how well each individual has
done his/her work. In academics, if a project fails, the lab does not
disintegrate as there are always multiple projects running (especially in
larger labs).”
is also important to increase rigor and reproducibility. Dr. Jayaram points out
that “The increased scale and multi-team execution of a project allows for a
more rigorous characterization. Teams are well suited to explore and analyze results from many angles to make sure all data is well characterized--no matter how routine or un-"sexy" the question. This is particularly important when the end goal is to proceed towards clinical validation."
addition to team meetings on science, meetings discussing strategic plans and
timelines are critical at a biotech. Strategizing where to put limited
resources to ensure the biggest return is key to success. Unlike academia where
we often let the science naturally unfold and follow interesting offshoots,
which could take years, biotech is a moneymaking venture where time is the most
precious commodity. Projects must stay focused to succeed, as the ultimate end
product is a therapeutic. Dr. Sowa commented, “in biotech, there is a genuine
sense of larger purpose - that is, the work being done is leading to something
"real" (the drug) that will change people's lives for the better. It
does not matter how many or in what journals papers are published, the only
thing that really matters is that there is a new drug produced that will treat
a human ailment/disease. I think it is that tangible goal, the physical drug,
that truly differentiates academic science from biotech and keeping that goal
in mind is where the initial similar "basic science" paths
the many differences between academia and biotech, the basic principles of
science and success remain true. Many skills you acquire as a Ph.D. student and
postdoc prepare you for a job in biotech. Dr. Jayaram advises, “cultivating curiosity and thirst for problem solving coupled with seeing the bigger
picture and focusing lines of inquiry are invaluable skills for success
learned during PhD and postdoctoral training.” Dr. Lin pointed out that “people have the
misconception that industry jobs are very constant, a 9-5 schedule, doing the
same things over and over again, etc. While it may be true in some instances,
the career path is also what you make of it. If you choose to be a 9-5
person, you will be treated as a 9-5 person. You can either choose to
treat it as a job or as a career. You can work as hard as postdocs,
sometimes even harder if you choose to and bring more value to the
company. Any career, whether it's in academia or industry really is what
you make of it.”
in industry or academics, it sounds like teamwork is a fun and effective way to
do science!
bit of advice: Be humble and surround yourself with brilliant colleagues!
The opinions in this piece do not reflect the opinions of CRISPR Therapeutics, C4
Therapeutics, or Editas Medicine, Inc..

Teresa V. Bowman, PhD
Publications Committee Member
Former Chair, New Investigators Committee
Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental & Molecular Biology
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (Oncology)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY

Teresa V. Bowman, PhD
Publications Committee Member
Former Chair, New Investigators Committee
Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental & Molecular Biology
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (Oncology)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY
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