Lab Spotlight: Nachmani Lab

Each month, Simply Blood spotlights a lab contributing to the fields of hematology, immunology, stem cell research, cell and gene therapies, and more. Get to know groups doing cutting edge research from around the world! This month, we are featuring the Nachmani Lab which is based out of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel (

How long have you had your lab?
3.5 years, including a pandemic

How many members make up your lab? Students/postdocs?
The lab roster currently consists of 4 experimental master students, 1 computational master students, 5 undergrads and 1 postdoc.

What is the major research theme of your lab?
Molecular Hematopoiesis. We study the role of the ribosome itself, as a regulator of translation in hematopoietic stem cells. More specifically we focus of rRNA modifications, as regulators of cell-type-specific translation, and their importance for hematopoietic stem cells function and differentiation. We have several projects involving normal and malignant hematopoiesis. We also have a soft spot for herpesviruses and we study how EBV tailors the host ribosome during infection of B-cells.

What is the most exciting project in your lab right now?
Unfair question! We love all projects – translation in normal hematopoiesis, malignant hematopoiesis, clonal-hematopoiesis, viral takeover of the cellular machinery they are all exciting for us.

What's your best approach to mentoring students in the lab?
I’m still trying to figure that out for myself… I try to be extremely open with my students so we can find out what’s best for us as we go along.

What's the biggest accomplishment your lab has had recently?
I think we have two – 1. Being awarded an ERC starting grant, and 2. Identifying unique ribosomes that make all the difference for cell identity :)

What is the key to running a successful lab?
Good communication.

What facilities or equipment does your lab absolutely depend on?
Our beloved AriaIII sorter, our beloved spectral Aurora analyzer, and of course the XRAD320 irradiator and the XE-90 ultracentrifuge (can’t do ribosome profiling without it)

What has been your greatest challenge in managing your lab?
Managing. The transition from PostDoc into PI requires a major mental shift – taking overall responsibility for everything is a challenge, and managing myself and everybody around is an ongoing challenge.

What advice do you have for new investigators just opening their lab?
Patience. Everything takes time but eventually it happens.

What was the most exciting part about starting your new lab?
Working with smart students. It is most exciting for me when a student take an idea and make it even better. That, and the freedom to pursue my own ideas, especially when they turn real.

Does your lab attend the ISEH annual meeting?

What is the most beneficial aspect of ISEH membership for your lab?
The conferences, the community and online available resources.

How do members of your lab celebrate accomplishments?

Does your lab have any fun traditions?
Every Hannukah we have a lab- dreidel competition – who can make the most creative
 dreidel out of lab consumable and equipment. You wouldn’t believe the dreidel we have :)

Daphna Nachmani, PhD
The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Blog post contributed by Roi Gazit, PhD (@roi_gazit), ISEH Publications Committee

Please note that the statements made by Simply Blood authors are their own views and not necessarily the views of ISEH. ISEH disclaims any or all liability arising from any author's statements or materials.


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