Selected Research on HSC Metabolism

Mitochondrial Deep Dive into Hematopoietic Stem Cell Dormancy: Not Much Glycolysis but Plenty of Sluggish Lysosomes Jiajing Qiu, Saghi Ghaffari Qiu and Ghaffari review the diverse mechanisms by which cellular metabolism regulates quiescence in adult hematopoietic stem cells, particularly highlighting the role lysosomes and autophagy. Figure 2 The multifaceted role of mitochondria in HSC fate decisions: energy and beyond Marie-Dominique Filippi Marie-Dominique Filippi reviews the role of mitochondrial metabolism in regulation of the transition from quiescence to activation in hematopoietic stem cells as well as roles in regulating fate decisions. This review highlights the importance of mitochondrial membrane potential and the factors that control this key determinant of metabolism. Figure 1 HSC-derived fatty acid oxidation in steady-state and stressed hematopoiesis Jayna J. Mistry, Kristian Bowles, Stuart A. Rushworth Mistry et al., discuss the central role of fatty aci...